• Why

    Pre-school acts as a potter to the argil. It gives a foundation to the future learning. Early childhood learning is embodied in the child’s mind can change its architecture & leave lasting impressions and visionaries do begin at the age of two. Lessons of life - like sharing & caring are taught at a very early age so that the child when grows up continues to share his things.

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  • Our

    Preschool program at The Chintels promotes age-appropriate, holistic development focusing on nurturing each child’s communication and language skill, creative expression and physical, self and social development. Our goal is to promote a personalized and differentiated early childhood education for children aged 2 to 6 years of age.

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  • Pre-School

    The Chintels Preschool learning curriculum aims at providing a natural blissful learning environment for an all round growth and development of healthy body, mind & soul by employing the proven, simple and effective preschool learning techniques. Every curriculum-based activity is designed with a specific lesson or outcome in mind.

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Welcome To The Chintels Pre-School

  • A Place Where Children Love To Do What They Love

    Each child who comes through the Chintels pre-school door joins a community of children, families and teachers engaged in the joy, work and wonder of childhood. If a child enrolls in pre-school the bond of proximity is knit right from the early years not only with the child but also a strong association is built between the school and the guardians and vice-versa. This results in better grooming of the child in all spheres. more >

    "A child here falls and then firmly rises,
    He learns that the best things are without prices,
    A child builds both blocks and dreams,
    Here is where his future steams."

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